Thursday, October 21, 2021

No surprise here. Senator Sinema is owned by corporate interests. She and Manchin need to be primaried.

So, it is okay to spend the money on developing computer chip manufacturing, but, not okay to tax high earning individuals or companies or investment firms to pay the bill. She doesn't understand she is kissing the butts of her donors rather than governing?

Sinema's donor pool. (click here)

The money came in when she needed it, too. That is somewhat traumatizing. One is running for the US Senate and doesn't get donations until the very instant in the campaign when it is most dearly needed. Makes an impression on people. This glut of money in 2018 screams of LET'S CORRUPT THE NEW SENATOR. GET HER STARTED RIGHT.

Well, looky thar. The top contributor is Goldman Sachs. Indeed.

Okay. Is this corruption? You betcha. When a US Senator is a hold out and her direct actions point to tax leniency of her donor pool, that is CORRUPTION!

Sinema might want to start raising money for her campaigns every year rather than wishing and hoping someone on a white horse comes along to rescue her campaign. Making campaign stops with donors and constituents during the off years provides for a clear understanding there are good relations between the US Senator and all her people, including those that vote her in or out of office.

Running marathons can be very glamorous, but, they don't pay the bills when campaigning starts.

US Senator Sinema, no different than Joe Manchin, are corrupt in their votes when FACTS are before them that points to dangerous climate conditions for Americans in backing the coal industry and protecting Wall Street by eliminting long over due tax hikes.

You can point right to it. There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT about either of these Senators that they are ADVERSELY VOTING against the people and for corporate interests. Even in the face of facts they are foolishly signing on to FACTUAL BLINDNESS.

Factual Blindness is a quality stemming from looking the other way. It is a deficit in MORALITY AND ETHICS. No US Senators cannot cherry pick their information so it sooths the savage beast of corruption, they are required to look at the entire picture and realize the dangers that lie in those very corrupt votes AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE USA.

Shame on both of them. The people of the USA need the child tax credit to maintain their momentum to owning their own homes and raising their children into the same opportunity so many Americans have had. There is not one program on the Biden agenda that is overdue, quite the contrary, they have been NEGLECTED for the same reason Sinema can't seem to get our of her own way and provide much needed relief for hard working families.

When the people of Arizona go to vote in the primaries where she is going to be a candidate, they will remember, her corporate donors got what they wanted, but, the people didn't and they are hurting because of it. 

It is time in this country that CORRUPTION IS RIPPED OUT BY THE ROOTS.