That was quite a storm. Besides sharp lightning, it sounded like a fire hose was opened on the roof. Deluge of water that came. There is no flash flooding where I am because of elevation from the surrounding area, but, there should have been flooding for the amount of water dropped out of the sky.
But, as to "Shock Soldiers," they are here now. There are currently corrupt persons involved in the election personnel that are sympathizers of this alternate governance. These people need to be eliminated from the election process. They are not simply activists and do the job as it is supposed to be done, but, they are in place to change the elections that they disagree with in it's outcome.
Every state needs to develop a standard for employees required to carry out the election process according to a democratic process. There can't be corruption within the governance of any election. Once again, the methods used in elections have to be transparent and solid. A certification process and pledge to carry out American elections should be in place and any deviction from that sovereign process can lead to automatic dismissal. In other words, "You're fired."
Some governors are already seeing attempts by Republican majorities at the state level to alter realities. The signing ceremony of a veto letter by Governor Whitmer is absolutely brilliant. If these legislative corruption was operating in the dark of a disinterested, distracted and uninformed public the fate of free and fair elections would definitely be eliminated for guaranteed and corrupted right wing outcomes.
October 3, 2021By Beth LaBlanc and Hayley Harding
This is the level of vigilance and transparency all Governors should be exercising in the face of January 6th insurrection. These Republican bills are proof of the extensive level of corruption being exercised by the party. This is real and it is being conducted "in plain sight." Americans must act on any election to prevent corruption at every level to ensure their right to vote is not altered in any way.
This is surprising, isn't it? That a long standing American political party can be corrupted so extensively that it imperils our democracy. Those elected and partaking in these practices should be scrutinized to their motives and eliminated from power with the idea their OATH ment nothing to them. They are conducting themselves corruptly and with total disregard to the USA Constitution. That is the reality. They are operating this corrupt political party once believed to be a conservative party in the open and in contempt of the voting rights of the American people.
President Biden probably needs to explain to Americans in a chat why these election laws are corrupt and how to eliminate their threat before their threat becomes reality. Most of the country is unaware or simply can't conceive of a trusted American political party as corrupt as the one now that exists with the GOP. I think the president needs to use these vetoed election laws as examples of what is taking place in backrooms to set our democracy on an agenda of failure as an expression of the people. There should be federal standards annouced as to what is good election practice and what is not recognizing the control of all votes belongs to the states.
Americans must be involved in election outcomes that reflect the true vote and eliminate those people from power that would alter those elections to benefit alternate governance.