In watching that video in the previous entry nothing should be lost on the content of the information the three men gave to the press.
The COVID-19 virus has wreaked havoc on the UK. Their NHS was overwhelmed by the invasion of the virus and the fact the country is made up of nearly 67 million people dependent on good care. I think the medical professional stated clearly that in order to ADDRESS THE BACKLOG of needed procedures the country has to invest in updating and purchasing state-of-the-art equipment to move it along.
I read a very heart-rendering article that addressed a man that was struggling to combat a severe threat to his life and the NHS was literally prioritizing people in treatment outside of the COVID-19 deadly intent on people of all ages. He was brought to tears in his condition because while he has received good service from the NHS, he was finding it difficult to sustain some of the delays. At the time this interview took place he was receiving treatment. The point is that while the press corp is carrying urgent messages that are preceived as political rather than real, their purpose is to carry such tragedy to the highest levels of alertness and have it addressed.
That responsibility of the press is a noble one and also presents quite falsely as a method of promoting one political agenda. In the UK, the press must carry the message of the people and they do quite successfully. I think the Prime Minister has come to terms with that fact and openly reassures the press that they are heard. There are fewer adversarial relationships with the press and what is perceived as such by the Prime Minister, is met with a smile.
I do not believe the public has come to complete terms with the COVID-19 tragedy in the USA. The virus and its outcomes including vaccines are still part of a political dogma that is hurting the country and quite frankly businesses as well. The method the press uses in carrying information to the people and then emphasizing their response sometimes as front-page information is vital to democracy and is not a preference for one political party or another. Newspapers and news media is about dialogue and impacting what is important to the country to survive and move forward. Those media sources that choose an agenda vs. a dialogue should be ridiculed because it is a violation of ethics.