Friday, May 21, 2021

The masters of witch hunts, Trump and Barr. They wanted to fabricate lies.

Barbara Starr is one of the most reliable voices in the media when it comes to facts to provide the American people a clear picture of their military. She is above reproach when it comes to providing needed exposure of wrongful acts within the military command. Relying on her has spanned decades. Clearly, the Trump White House wanted to control the messages to the American people for their own politics. This is an outrage.

The American people end wars with facts presented by the media. It is a vital part of the country's governance. Reports, especially those covering military movements and priorities are among the most important Americans have to moderate their presence in the world. There is no question Barbara Starr serves a noble purpose in the country.

I find it interesting too, that Barr and Trump decided to create an unworthiness of still yet another American woman.

May 20, 2021
By Jeremy Herb and Jessica Schneider

A free press (click here) is a national security imperative. CNN Pentagon correspondent. RT not endorsement.

Washington - The Trump administration secretly sought and obtained (click here) the 2017 phone and email records of a CNN correspondent, the latest instance where federal prosecutors have taken aggressive steps targeting journalists in leak investigations.

The Justice Department informed CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, in a May 13 letter, that prosecutors had obtained her phone and email records covering two months, between June 1, 2017 to July 31, 2017. The letter listed phone numbers for Starr's Pentagon extension, the CNN Pentagon booth phone number and her home and cell phones, as well as Starr's work and personal email accounts.

It is unclear when the investigation was opened, whether it happened under Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Attorney General William Barr, and what the Trump administration was looking for in Starr's records. The Justice Department confirmed the records were sought through the courts last year but provided no further explanation or context....