A pause in administration of the J&J vaccine is appropriate for evaluation of the side effects which can cause death or strokes, even heart issues.
Human metabolism varies to some extent by individuals. There are dearly important sameness in human metabolism and that is a good thing. But, when a virus like SARS-CoV-2 manifests we have witnessed how such a monster can effect different ethnicities, different ages and different genders.
It is not surprising to find there are different responses in some people. What the medical investigators in the USA want to determine is what sets the chain reaction off that causes dangerous blood clots in some people.
Some might say, "So, what? We are going to get the vaccine anyway." That is not a true statement.
The medical investigators are seeking to understand the effects that trigger a dangerous reaction to the J&J vaccine. It is an intolerance that must be understood to stop such circumstances. If a basis of the blood clots are found in understanding why some people are NOT GOOD CANDIDATES for the vaccine, then they can be given a different vaccine while many, many others can still safely receive the J&J vaccine and develop immunity.
This CAREFUL dimension of the Biden Administration is new to the American people after the gross neglect of the previous administration. President Biden, his investigators and his agencies are being careful with American lives. Well. Isn't that nice? I think that is more than nice, it is VALUING EVERY AMERICAN LIFE without exception.
This investigation by no means indicates the J&J vaccine is inferior or a bad vaccine. It simply states it is different from the mRNA vaccines and it has to be understood to end a dangerous circumstance for the American people. Everyone that has received the J&J vaccine without any complications should be confident they are receiving a good dose of immunity.