Sunday, April 04, 2021

Noah Green is a home grown terrorist.

His methods of killing are straight out of the playbook in the UK. Trapping police between a car and some kind of barrier and then wielding a knife. If he had a gun he would have done far more damage than he did. 

My complete sympathies to the family of the dead officer, but, this guy is a homegrown terrorist.

April 2, 2021

To the left Noah Green. Great American kid until he gets pissed off. Now, how much is Farrakhan involved in the anger that set this guy off?

Washington D.C. —The suspect who killed a Capitol Police officer (click here) and injured another has been identified as Noah Green—a self-proclaimed “Follower of Farrakhan”—and not “a White male” as MSNBC falsely reported, or a “white supremacist” as many mistakenly presumed.

Green, who posted several Facebook posts as a proud follower of the Nation of Islam, rammed a car into the barricade at the U.S. Capitol, striking two Capitol Police officers. Green then got out of the car and attempted to attack other officers with a knife before he was shot and killed during the rampage.

Within the past few weeks, Green posted several concerning social media posts—before Facebook took down Green’s profile, as the NY Post reported....