Saturday, March 20, 2021

Georgia has the death penalty.

It bothers me there was a confession before Long had a lawyer assigned to his case. I think the judge has to be very cautious. Long needs psychiatric evaluation. It has to be determined that he understood what he was doing when he killed and understood the brevity of his actions at the time and when he confessed.

I do not believe in the death penalty. I think it makes a very poor statement about the country. 

This case is heinous for the sheer numbers of people killed. It is also a sensitive group of people that lost their lives. They were women and an American minority. There is every reason to believe the prosecution will seek the death penalty.

What bothers me most about this case and the case of Dylan Roof is the young age they decided they had a mission more important than life itself. I doubt when they killed they thought they would be caught.

The problem in the USA, including many other young men that killed including Kyle Rittenhouse, is that these young men could have been indoctrinated to kill. I realize that may not be the case with Long.

The problem as I see it, is the predatory methods of organized hate groups. Families are losing their sons to a derelict subculture that has been allowed to exist for far too long in the USA. There are more young men in their later teens and early twenties ready to kill for a purpose outside the USA definition of it’s society. 

We are struggling to erase racism in the USA because of unnecessary deaths of citizens at the hand of those that do not believe minorities should be a part of the USA. Let me make this clear, there is a subculture in the USA that turns our young men into killers. At a young age, these boys learn hate outside the influence of their families and grow to carry out killing for strange reasons. Hating skin color is a very strange and foreign reason to commit murder in the USA.

Long is 21 years old. He is joined by a growing number of young men, unafraid of the power of a gun, and killing without a second thought. These young men are removed from appreciating humanity and the beauty and value of life itself.

The USA has a problem with dispassionate killing in some young men. Dylan Roof sat among his victims before he killed dispassionately and simply walked away from his acts. Long sat in his car for an hour before he dispassionately walked out of the spa where he too killed and simply drove away to kill again. What are they meditating before they kill and who taught them that skill?