Monday, February 01, 2021


There needs to be a bill passed into law requiring all existing pipelines to be repaired and/or replaced before new pipelines are built. It will preserve jobs.

President Biden’s state department need to take up the issue of pipelines with other countries as well. Pipelines disrupt land and can destroy farmland and rivers when they ultimately leak.

The entire issue of new pipelines is ridiculous. 2030 is around the house corner and the use of alternative energies and electrical grids are the answer. Pipelines are obsolete. There is no need to build more.

New pipelines are a part of expanding the access to fossil fuels. Easy access to oil ended in 2005. The same year multiple category 5 hurricanes hit the USA, including Katrina. Ever since 2005, fracking has been widely used destroying land and caused seismic activity where it never existed before. There are areas of the USA that are uninhabitable because of fracking. The government was told about this disastrous technology long before it was widely instituted.

Fracking is an extreme measure. New pipelines mean new fracking and drilling that is about profits and not needed or affordable energy. Alternative energies are more affordable today that oil and gas. The problem is flipping that oil/gas paradigm and expanding the use of alternative energies, securing the electrical grid and ending pipelines.