Monday, January 25, 2021

Wall Street comes before American

Jeremy Grantham, a well respected Wall Street investor type, is stating the Biden COVID Plan will make the Wall Street Bubble worse.


Let’s think about that for a minute.

Janet Yellen is heading up the USA Treasury. I hear Munchkin tucked a few C notes in his pocket on the way out the door. At any rate there was none of this complaining when a man was at Treasury.

That said, Bubble? What bubble? Because Former President Obama had guardrails in place to prevent bubble and bust USA Wall Street investing. 

That said, “Bubble?” “What bubble?”

The popular politics of Wall Street these days (since the American public woke up one day to see a DOW of more than $30,000) is to call that enormous jump, a bubble. Heck, quite a bubble I’d say. And, get this, to instill fear in the hearts of Americans, the word is that Wall Street is in a euphoric state of mind.

My, my. All the smart guys have lost their minds, so Americans need to mount the alarm and squelch Biden’s plans to a COVID relief bill and wait with baited breath for the most enormous breaking bubble ever in the history of the world.

I don’t think so.

To begin, the so called smart Wall Street types crying the sky is falling aren’t very smart, are they? Because if the smart guys were really smart there wouldn’t be a bubble. There would be wise investment to support stock prices with excellent company portfolios and assured stockholder dividends each quarter.

To end this charade of irresponsible investor types, the Biden COVID relief bill better not have monies for a $30,000 Wall Street. The relief is for Americans and the infrastructure of the country to end this horror called COVID-19. 

The USA isn’t in the business of bailing out Wall Street anymore. After all American Airlines is now delivering their glut of warehouses of wine. Interesting. Liquidation of assets rather than donating to corrupt politicians to ensure a bailout when needed.

The Biden COVID Relief Bill is about the people, the manufacturers that have stepped up to the plate and hit one out of the park. It is about the States, too. There isn’t much room for Wall Street and its dysfunctional politicians this time around.