Friday, January 15, 2021

Trump says China wants to dissolve USA alliance.

He just figured that out? Joe Biden can ask Bill and Hillary Clinton to return peace to the region as special envoys. Bill Clinton has a fan club in North Korea. Seriously. Un’s father and Clinton were great friends. The relationship started to sour when “W” visited the DMZ. Time to turn back the clock. I have yet to understand why Republicans prefer confrontation over peace. I think they like to feel those hard borders or something. Un’s father was never interested in blowing up mountains by the way.

There are more options for peace now then before Trump.

The only leader in Asia that wants to exchange nukes is Putin. The reason is because Russia is so radioactive from scientific accidents and reactor meltdowns Putin sees no reason not to blow everything up. He is hoping Florida becomes the next Moscow with no radiation leaks. A little muscle flexing never hurt anyone. It keeps peace efforts engaged. Time to reread Colin Powell’s book.

Time to shine. The Democrats are the beacons of hope. No time to waste. The USA is up to the challenges before it. We have great leaders and the world will be healed. Go get ‘em Joe. Unlike Trump he won’t go it alone.

It looks like “Parlar” has some redeeming value. “The Verge” is reporting the collective use of Parlar has created a map of the attack. It can be used by law enforcement. The rumor is that no Trumps were anywhere to be found. No surprise there. They are all on their way to Florida to be shielded from the law by DeSantis.

The Kushners bought land on a security island off the coast of Miami. I thought they were popular. Oh, well. I am sure the island will be popular now. They haven’t built a house yet, not even an outhouse. Kushner must be selling his “666” property. I guess living on a security island is its own special form of exile. Any drug king pins live there? Just curious. Trump needs special funding for his rebellion.