Thursday, October 22, 2020

This article that appeared in the Internatinoal New York Times intrigued me.

October 22, 2020

...Some studies (click here)—including a recent preprint paper examining mouse and human brain tissue—show evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can get into nerve cells and the brain. The question remains as to whether it does so routinely or only in the most severe cases. Once....

What kept me reading was the observation that when SARS-CoV-2 enters cells supporting nerve tissue there are symptoms that are neurological. Those support cells are called the "Blood-Brain Barrier." That barrier protects and also nourishes the brain.

...Some neurological symptoms are far less serious yet seem, if anything, more perplexing. One symptom—or set of symptoms—that illustrates this puzzle and has gained increasing attention is an imprecise diagnosis called “brain fog.” Even after their main symptoms have abated, it is not uncommon for Covid-19 patients to experience memory loss, confusion, and other mental fuzziness....

We know the virus has penetrated into the brain from observations of surgeons attempting to end bleeding and blood clots. But, this "fog" can be permanent damage to the cells that make up the blood-brain barrier. If those cells are damaged they don't heal. The brain however is known to reroute brain function from stroke patients with rehabilitation. The same probably holds true for these patients as well.

At this point in developing a knowledge base of SARS-CoV-2, treatments that work to end the virus, as well as therapies such as rehab, are important to the people. It is really amazing that we know as much as we do. The medical community is nothing short of brilliant.

...That means the effects may be directly tied to the virus itself. “It’s just striking,” Price says. The affected patients “all have headaches, and some of them seem to have pain problems that sound like neuropathies,” chronic pain that arises from nerve damage. That observation led him to investigate whether the novel coronavirus could infect nociceptors....

That is permanent damage. The spread has to end.


The article goes on to discuss treatments for these victims. The therapy is still in the lab, but, showing remarkable results. That is all fine and good. But. Any strategy against the virus that includes herd immunity by exposure is incompetent medicine.

I have been seeing the use of face shields along with masks by the public. I think it is brilliant. It provides protection for the face in general, especially the eyes. I applaud the people for their use. Very smart.

There is also a new study about indoor air quality as the northern hemisphere enters fall and winter. The study states even with personal PPE and social distancing the exposure to air quality where there are other people exposure to that air must be limited to 15 minutes.

This new finding will effect office businesses and indoor dining. The USA never faced this problem before and the air quality in buildings is not prepared to provide rapid air exchanges. Where there is the exposure of this type of circulating air there has to be filtration and ultraviolet light to disinfect the air. It will take time for offices to achieve acceptable air quality with SARS-CoV-2 still circulating among the people. Working from home is still a better choice. 

Of course, if the people of the USA make a concerted effort to eliminate the virus from the country, none of this is necessary. Ask New Zealand where their Prime Minister was just re-elected after imposing very stringent rules to end exposure to the virus.

The FDA has approved remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19. I think there is some proven benefit achieved for early diagnosed patients on supplemental oxygen.

...Gilead (click here) says Veklury is approved for people at least 12 years old and weighing at least 88 pounds (40 kilograms) who need hospitalization for their coronavirus infection. It works by inhibiting a substance the virus uses to make copies of itself....

Monitoring will continue on this treatment. There may or may not be a benefit as more data is analyzed. Of course, it is not a treatment for young children.

Known side effects of remdesivir preclude administration.

Remdesivir may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • pain, bleeding, bruising of the skin, soreness, or swelling near the place where the medication was injected