Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The elections under Citizens United.

I listened to Micheal Moore’s “Rumble” this morning. I think it is rumbling now, actually. He was speaking about voting with US Rep. Dan Kildee. While I was listening it occurred to me they did not speak to Citizens United and the impact on the electorate.

Here is my take on the influence that action by the Supreme Court had on our elections with unlimited monies, including Dark Money. It drives people to vote to the point where many elections are concluded with a very small margin of voters. I think Americans have witnessed this vast change and are concerned to address the idea money is a citizen. But, that is a side story.

Some Americans may not realize those small margins ARE THE REASON TO VOTE regardless of any confidence they may FEEL they have. I think Michael Bloomberg picked up on this new and wayward dynamic years ago. I believe it is what resolved him to save our democracy and invest in Democrats. I think the Former Mayor Bloomberg is a great American especially in reflecting on Giuliani and his treasonist methods. 

Former Mayor Bloomberg knows that spending high amounts of money moved the electorate and contributes to the stability of our democracy for the times we live in. One thing Americans have to realize is that EVERY VOTE COUNTS after Citizen United.

Go vote. 

Be a Great American knowing the vote is protecting our Democracy in the era of Citizens United.

One other thing. Speaker Pelosi needs to end negotiations with Trump regarding a stimulus. It is giving Trump a platform to shame the Speaker in her demands and it gives McConnell a platform to refuse to bring any measure to the floor of the Senate because of concern for the national deficit. The reality is that McConnell should have worried about the national deficit when he passed the Trump tax plan that gave away trillions to the wealthy.

There are many serious reasons to vote, so get out of our comfort zone and plan your vote this year, the winning margins are far to small.