Wednesday, August 12, 2020

There are 13,506 school districts in the USA according to a count in 2002.

There are not enough pediatric beds, especially Pediatric Intensive Care Units, in the entire USA.

I am sure William G. Hasty, Sr. would disapprove of the exposure of children with a deadly contagion.

No one needs to PROVE that opening up the schools in the USA is completely wrong. No one needs to prove they can do it better than any other school district in the country. The majority of Americans already believe teachers and administrations are making the best decisions to protect children from the virus. It is just that the virus has the upper hand in deciding the fate of childern. 

August 12, 2020
By Richard Faussett

Canton, Georgia, USA - The first letter (click here) went out on Aug. 4, one day after students in the Cherokee County School District returned to their classrooms for the first time since the eruption of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Dear Parents,” wrote Dr. Ashley Kennerly, the principal of Sixes Elementary School. “I am writing this letter in order to communicate that a student in 2nd grade has tested positive for Covid-19.”

By the time the last bell rang on Friday afternoon, principals at 10 other schools had sent similar letters to families in Cherokee County, a bucolic and politically conservative stretch of suburbs north of Atlanta. This week, more letters went out.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus does not recognize political boundaries, just in case some of Trump's followers actually believe it does. There is no telling what they believe anymore, but, it is most likely the worse facts in the world.

This first day of school is now a nightmare for every family that has children in that elementary school. The entire school should be on quarantine and contact tracing carried out.

Altogether, more than 900 students and staff members in the district have already been ordered to quarantine. On Tuesday, one high school closed its doors until at least Aug. 31....

Quarantine is only part of the provisions needed after such an outbreak in a school. The entire building, especially the ventilation system, needs to be fumigated with an anti-viral. Surface cleaning will not end the exposure. The virus can be anywhere, including cracks and crevasses in the bathroom.

PREVENTING the spread of COVID-19 is far more moral as well as thrifty when it comes to monies in budgets for school and the dearly purchased school supplies. Enough of this mess. The virus can be anywhere including the surfaces and pages of books and stacks of paper in the copy machine and in classrooms. Opening schools without CONTROL of the virus, is completely irresponsible.