Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Substitute Teacher demographics needs to be assessed.

Personally, I think it is going to be difficult to return children to a school building without a vaccine. My assessment of most rolls of substitute teachers is that they are retired and over the age of 65. There are going to be exceptions to that, but, a large number of substitute teachers would not be able to work without guarantees the schools are VIRUS FREE. The school systems, no matter private or public, have no right to demand substitute teachers to work regardless of any chance of infection.

I realize there are children "at risk" for other reasons then COVID-19, but, the virus is too dangerous to open schools without a guarantee of virus free environments. If children need remediation when they finally return to school, then that is the reality we all face. I don't know why an attempt to mitigate these issues are not being pursued. WHERE IS THE RESEARCH FROM OUR TEACHER MASTERS AND PhDS.

Perhaps school days need to be shifted to outdoor venues IN THE SUMMER MONTHS.

July 6, 2020
By John Wisely

Michigan educators (click here) have a lengthy to-do list before reopening classrooms this fall amid a global pandemic.

Included on the list: Beef up the pool of substitute teachers.

"Without a question, that's going to be a challenge for us," said Randy Liepa, superintendent of the Wayne County Regional Educational Services Agency, which supports schools across Wayne County. "Remember, schools are vying for the same substitute teachers. If there is a need for additional substitute teachers, there are only so many that are out there."...