The very Best Practices for new dangerous virus is to do what “W” did and have people on the ground in China for the earliest of detections, capture the few infected people and contact trace to END THE THREAT. That is not what occurred with the Trump White House.
Trump chose a very dangerous path of denial. In denial he wanted to allow the virus to run rampant and allow wide spread deaths with a concentration of elderly and minorities. The American people were up in arms over such a heinous strategy and Congress had to legislate for a better outcome. Trump is trying to end the general quarantine by encouraging state and citizens to go back to “normal.” In doing so Trump has confused the goals and made the timeline longer.
The only way forward while minimizing deaths is testing. An employer be it nursing home, meat processing plant or others; has to terminally clean their facilities, test all personnel and with positives entering into at home or hotel quarantine. It is the only way forward. School systems must terminally clean their facilities and require all teachers, administrative staff and students no matter the age to be tested. The cleaning can begin now and facilities sealed to people until school is about to open. The testing has to be done close enough to school beginning but far enough out to receive results for a day or two before occupying the buildings.
Don’t forget the bus drivers. Parents should be tested from their place of work or out if concern for their children to complete the circle.
The longer religious leaders are allowed to break the rules, the longer the timeline gets.
This country is contaminated and resulting options are expensive and time consuming.