So Barr, the spineless yes man, is going to break every measure of ethics and law to exonerate a man who admitted to a judge he was guilty long after he was read his Miranda rights. Pardoning Flynn is an admission by Trump that Flynn was a guilty man that he pardoned. Pardoning Flynn doesn’t fit the Trump storyline about the Deep State, but Barr dropping charges against Flynn and the Russians are perfect for the “Deep State Fiction Story.”
It looks as though I have a lot of reading to do. There is the Mueller report, the US Senate investigations and now the US House has released their investigation. For those that read this blog be prepared to be bored because the three accounts are going to state the same facts over and over. The three documents will prove Barr is as much a criminal as Trump if not more so.
The corruption is knee deep and I do not know how that US Attorney that is investigating the Trump Deep State, I forget his name, is going to contradict Mueller, the US Senate and the US House and actually be believable. In order to successfully carry this off, (oh, yeah, Durham or Dunham or whatever) the Muller Investigation, US Senate and the US House will have to be discredited.
I hear Trump’s Guy Friday has COVID-19. Trump is a carrier. There are a lot of people both international and domestic that have contracted COVID after being in the presence of Trump, including his daughter as Bill Barr. Amazing.
Yes indeed, President Bubba is a piece of work.