Grand Jury 675
Natalia Veselnitskaya is in the center of the picture in a beige dress next to Ambassador McFaul.
The Grand Jury mentioned by Emin Agalarov was Natalia Veselnitskaya.676 From approximately 1998 until 2001, Veselnitskaya worked as a prosecutor for the Central Administrative District of the Russian Prosecutor’s Office,677 and she continued to perform government-related work and maintain ties to the Russian government following her departure.678 She lobbied and testified about the Magnitsky Act, which imposed financial sanctions and travel restrictions on Russian officials and which was named for a Russian tax specialist who exposed a fraud and later died in a Russian prison.679 Putin called the statute “a purely political, unfriendly act,” and Russia responded by barring a list of current and former U.S. officials from entering Russia and by halting the adoption of Russian children by U.S. citizens.680 Veselnitskaya performed legal work for Denis Katsyv ((click here),681 the son of Russian businessman Peter Katsyv, and for his company Prevezon Holdings Ltd., which was a defendant in a civil-forfeiture action alleging the laundering of proceeds from the fraud exposed by Magnitsky.682 She also appears to have been involved in an April 2016 approach to a U.S. congressional delegation in Moscow offering “confidential information” from “the Prosecutor General of Russia” about “interactions between certain political forces in our two countries.”683
Shortly after his June 3 call with Emin Agalarov, Goldstone emailed Trump Jr.684 The email stated:
Within minutes of this email, Trump Jr. responded, emailing back: “Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?”685 Goldstone conveyed Trump Jr.’s interest to Emin Agalarov, emailing that Trump Jr. “wants to speak personally on the issue.”686
On June 6, 2016, Emin Agalarov asked Goldstone if there was “[a]ny news,” and Goldstone explained that Trump Jr. was likely still traveling for the “final elections . . . where [T]rump will be ‘crowned’ the official nominee.”687 On the same day, Goldstone again emailed Trump Jr. and asked when Trump Jr. was “free to talk with Emin about this Hillary info.”688 Trump Jr. asked if they could “speak now,” and Goldstone arranged a call between Trump Jr. and Emin Agalarov.689 On June 6 and June 7, Trump Jr. and Emin Agalarov had multiple brief calls.690
Don, Jr. was eager to receive information from the Russians.
Also on June 6, 2016, Aras Agalarov called Ike Kaveladze and asked him to attend a meeting in New York with the Trump Organization.
691 Kaveladze is a Georgia-born, naturalized U.S. citizen who worked in the United States for the Crocus Group (click here) and reported to Aras Agalarov.
I think Kaveladze is an interesting study in the extent to which Russia goes to achieve an impact in the USA. Crocus is a company in Moscow. Yet, an employee Mr. Kaveladze is a naturalized citizen to the USA. As an American, I would expect someone from a communist country would be asking to be in the USA to rid themselves of that government and any contact with it. Yet, Kaveladze never intended to leave Russia behind as he became a naturalized citizen to the USA. Kaveladze has voting rights. In this instance, he was recruited to work on behalf of Russian interests. He never left Russia behind. He is basically a naturalized USA citizen that works as an agent to Russia. Here again, contact with this man never was red-flagged as an introduction of Russia into the campaign's interest. I find it astounding that Flynn is a man in the Trump campaign, former military intelligence, never raising concerns regarding the influence of Russia, no matter who it was. That is amazing. Is anyone sure Flynn isn't a naturalized Russian citizen?
692 Kaveladze told the Office that, in a second phone call on June 6, 2016, Aras Agalarov asked Kaveladze if he knew anything about the Magnitsky Act, and Aras sent him a short synopsis for the meeting and Veselnitskaya’s business card. According to Kaveladze, Aras Agalarov said the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Magnitsky Act, and he asked Kaveladze to translate.693
Footnote 675 Grand Jury
Footnote 676 In December 2018, a grand jury in the Southern District of New York returned an indictment charging Veselnitskaya with obstructing the Prevezon litigation discussed in the text above. See Indictment,United States v. Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya, No. 18-cr-904 (S.D.N.Y.). (click here) The indictment alleges, among other things, that Veselnitskaya lied to the district court about her relationship to the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office and her involvement in responding to a U.S. document request sent to the Russian government.
Footnote 677 Veselnitskaya 11/20/17 Statement to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary (click here), at 2; Grand Jury
Footnote 678 Testimony of Natalia Veselnitskaya Before the Senate Committee on Judiciary (Nov. 20, 2017) at 33; Keir Simmons & Rachel Elbaum, Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya Says She Didn’t Give Trump Jr.Info on Clinton, NBC News (July 11, 2017) (click here); Maria Tsvetkova & Jack Stubbs, Moscow Lawyer Who MetTrump Jr. Had Russian Spy Agency As Client, Reuters (July 21, 2017) (click here); Andrew E. Kramer & SharonLaFraniere, Lawyer Who Was Said to Have Dirt on Clinton Had Closer Ties to Kremlin than She Let On,New York Times (Apr. 27, 2018) (click here) .
Footnote 679 See Pub. L. No. 112-208 §§ 402, 404(a)(1), 126 Stat. 1502, 1502-1506. (click here)
[[Page 126 STAT. 1502]]
(a) Presidential Determinations and Extension of Nondiscriminatory
Treatment.--Notwithstanding any provision of title IV of the Trade Act
of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2431 et seq.), the President may--
(1) determine that such title should no longer apply to
Moldova; and
(2) after making a determination under paragraph (1) with
respect to Moldova, proclaim the extension of nondiscriminatory
treatment (normal trade relations treatment) to the products of
Russia's favorite strategy, turning the tables against the truth. AKA PROPAGANDA.
See, e.g., Andrew E. Kramer, Turning Tables in Magnitsky Case, RussiaAccuses Nemesis of Murder, New York Times (Oct. 22, 2017) (click here); Testimony of Natalia Veselnitskaya Before the Senate Committee on Judiciary (Nov. 20, 2017), Exhibits at 1-4; Rosie Gray, Bill Browder’s Testimonyto the Senate Judiciary Committee, The Atlantic (July 25, 2017)(click here).
Footnote 680 Ellen Barry, Russia Bars 18 Americans After Sanctions by US, New York Times (Apr. 13, 2013) (click here);Tom Porter, Supporters of the Magnitsky Act Claim They’ve Been Targets of Russian Assassination andKidnapping Bids, Newsweek (July 16, 2017) (click here).
Footnote 681 Testimony of Natalia Veselnitskaya Before the Senate Committee on Judiciary (Nov. 20, 2017), at 21.
Footnote 682 See Veselnitskaya Decl., United States v. Prevezon Holdings, Ltd., No. 13-cv-6326 (S.D.N.Y.); see Prevezon Holdings, Second Amended Complaint; Prevezon Holdings, Mem. and Order; Prevezon Holdings, Deposition of Oleg Lurie. (click here for 86 pages of deposition)
Footnote 683 See Gribbin 8/31/17 302, at 1-2 & 1A (undated one-page document given to congressional delegation). The Russian Prosecutor General is an official with broad national responsibilities in the Russian legal system. See Federal Law on the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation (1992,amended 2004 (click here).
Footnote 684 RG000061 (6/3/16 Email, Goldstone to Trump Jr.);
DJTJR00446 (6/3/16 Email, Goldstone to Donald Trump Jr.);
@DonaldJTrumpJr 07/11/17 (11:00) Tweet.
Footnote 685 DJTJR00446 (6/3/16 Email, Trump Jr. to Goldstone); @DonaldJTrumpJr 07/11/17 (11:00) Tweet;
RG000061 (6/3/16 Email, Trump Jr. to Goldstone).
Footnote 686 Grand Jury RG000062 (6/3/16 Email, Goldstone & Trump Jr.).
Footnote 687 RG (Rod Goldstone) 000063 (6/6/16 Email, A. Agalarov to Goldstone);
RG000064 (6/6/16 Email, Goldstone to A. Agalarov).
Footnote 688 RG000065 (6/6/16 Email, Goldstone to Trump Jr.); DJTJR00446 (6/6/16 Email, Goldstone to Trump Jr.).
Footnote 689 DJTJR00445 (6/6/16 Email, Goldstone and Trump Jr.); Grand Jury RG000065-67 (6/6/16 Email, Goldstone and Trump Jr.); Grand Jury
Footnote 690 DJTJR00499 (Call Records of Donald Trump Jr Grand Jury ); Call Records of Donald Trump Jr. Grand Jury
Footnote 691 Kaveladze 11/16/17 302, at 6; Grand Jury
Footnote 692 Kaveladze 11/16/17 302, at 1-2; Grand Jury
Beniaminov 1/6/18 302, at 2-3 Grand Jury
Footnote 693 Kaveladze 11/16/17 302, at 6. Tweet;
RG000068 (6/7/16 Email, Goldstone to Trump Jr.); Grand Jury
Continued in a further entry tomorrow. Thank you.