Sunday, April 19, 2020

Newspapers need to be the place people CAN TRUST to provide the truth to a dangerous virus.

19 April 2020
By Rachel Cooke

...Since mid-March, (click here) the BBC has seen a huge increase in numbers watching its news programmes. The audience for the BBC News at One has risen 85%, the News at Six 74%, and the News at Ten of by 50%. The evening news programmes, and the two on which Walsh and his colleague Hugh Pym, the BBC’s health editor, appear most often, now have a combined nightly audience of around 12.8 million – and no wonder. It isn’t only that audiences are hungry for information. Between them, Walsh and Pym, together with their producers and cameramen, are delivering powerful journalism: most notably their reports from inside intensive care units at, respectively, University College Hospital in London and Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge....