Sunday, April 19, 2020

As we move toward summer and into autumn, the public needs to be aware of COVID-19. What might be a drop off in the summer will return with vengeance in the autumn and winter.

Planning and knowledge of the destination no matter where one is planning to eat dinner or do some sunbathing is important to predict the danger one might face in the world in the year 2020.

March 24, 2020
By Patrick Kulp

...Quarantine culture (click here) is already causing drastic shifts in the imagery and copy that brands use to advertise on social media.

That’s according to data from marketing tech firm Pattern89, which used machine learning to track a 30% dip in social media ads featuring images or video of everyday human contact—hugging, kissing and holding hands—since March 12 amid the coronavirus pandemic hitting the United States.

At the same time, visuals associated with hand-washing have increased sixfold and those featuring travel—key terms like “airport” and “airplane”—are down about 8%. Imagery featuring electronics has also risen steadily in recent weeks to the point where 39% of social ads now include at least one device, perhaps as a consequence of increased reliance on these tools in the absence of human interaction....