We also know the virus itself is very, very dangerous, and causes blood clots. As a result of these clots, there are strokes in young adults and quite possibly heart attacks in middle age and older adults.
Deaths have occurred across the spectrum of age and no one is exempt from a dangerous pathology.
Young adults need to call 911 immediately as soon as their symptom of strokes begins. If there is someone to drive them and traffic is not usually heavy, then they can drive to the ER. Kindly remember EMTs have a direct link to an ER doctor and treatment begins when they arrive. There are many reasons to call 911 and sit tight but if it is more prudent to be driven to the ER then do so safely.
BUT, the important issue is that strokes are recognized at all ages and require a hospital and doctor to adequately address this type of emergency. With that, what then are the symptoms of a stroke?
This is an interesting icon to begin to understand the signs of a stroke. This is from a health care system (click here).
But, basically, a stroke attacks everything that makes us human.
B - Our ability to walk and run is effected with a loss or impairment of balance.
E -When it comes to the eyes, the question is What are you seeing?" But perhaps the person is also being affected in their speech. When look at the eyes to determine if the pupils are equal. If they are not there is something seriously wrong going on with the person.
F - Facial droop is a cardinal sign of a stroke. If there is any facial drooping call 911 immediately.
A - Any changes in arms or legs in the way a person would normally control them. If for any reason the arms or legs are not NORMAL then an emergency is occurring, especially if the limb has become weak or flaccid.
S - I mentioned speech difficulty. It can occur in that the person is not able to speak or speak well, but, also if their statements are estranged from the person's normal. If for whatever reason an answer to a question is not forthcoming or not cohesive to the moment in time and the subject at hand, they are most likely struggling with their cognition and need to go to the hospital.
T - The last element is TIME. Take action quickly. Do not doubt your decision. If a person has any of the signs of a stroke, immediately act to assist. There is NO SHAME in being helpful. Call 911 immediately and let the EMTs do their job.
As mentioned blood clots can cause heart attacks. They can also what is called "thrombosis." Some of the most dangerous are those in the lungs that effect breathing and cause chest pain. Lung thrombosis (blood clot) can also travel to the heart. Other thromboses are those found in the leg, they are frequently called "Deep Vein Thrombosis." They are as equally dangerous as a lung thrombosis.
It can be difficult to decide (click here) when you should go to the emergency department. By knowing the signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, you can empower yourself to make the best healthcare decisions for you.
Signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) include:
- Swelling of the legs, ankles, or feet
- Discomfort, heaviness, pain, aching, throbbing, itching, or warmth in the legs
- Skin changes in the leg such as discoloration, thickening, or ulceration
Signs of pulmonary thrombosis:
- Sudden shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Coughing up blood
- Rapid or irregular heart rate
Blood clots are very abnormal occurrences in the human body. They are very dangerous to the people experiencing them. It is important to recognize the signs of a blood clot and act to help and end the danger.
Depending on where the blood clot is found the emergency room doctors will know how to proceed. There are anti-thrombolytics that work immediately and end the threat of the blood clot, but, sometimes surgery is needed to remove the clot and possibly close a leaking blood vessel. Any of these treatments are important and saves lives. Frequently when these therapeutic measures are applied there will be no lingering effects of the blood clot or stroke and life can return to normal. The medicines that treat these clots are amazing. But, they can only be given in the ER under the observation of health care professionals.
Every life is important.