March 27, 2020
By Mark King
Since my letter to you on March 13, (click here) things have been changing on a daily basis for us all. But I’ve noticed that one thing hasn’t changed: people are still coming together to help one another and show that they care. At Taco Bell, I’m incredibly proud of how our franchisees and team members are continuing to feed people’s lives with unexpected good and wanted to share a few ways we’re working together to make a larger impact....
This gets a little crazy because of hospitals' cleaning crews when working with sterilizing and cleaning equipment are finite. There is not an unlimited number of people or cleaning equipment or cleaning solutions at the ready on any given day.
The cleaning regime (click here)
The hospital administrators are facing upping their game to bring on the personnel to handle the cleaning of more ventilators. I alluded to this the other day when I listed jobs in hospitals on "Indeed." A large number of patients need professional staff to bring THERAPEUTICS to return and increase their wellness. But, BEHIND THE SCENES are skilled and unskilled labor that makes a hospital run.
When breathing becomes an issue, there needs to be a ventilator at the ready. These events with breathing are instantaneous and not predictable. A physician ordering the therapeutics might suspect a person may need a ventilator, but, cannot say for sure it is going to be necessary. So, the inventory of ventilators at the ready is vital to saving lives.
COVID-19 is a NEW virus. People do not have immunity and it is a deadly virus. So, the idea behind "stay at home" and "social distancing" when needed to obtain groceries and medicines is to allow hospitals to be successful in treating all the people that present with the need for help in defeating this virus once a person has contracted it.
This is about the availability of care, not so much as a virus. It is going to be wonderful when there is a vaccine, but, we aren't there yet.
Long ago there was such a disease as "Smallpox" (click here). It no longer exists anymore because of a vaccine.
The First World has many reasons to have difficulty dealing with this reality called COVID-19. A higher quality of wellness, extremely vibrant research and manufacturing that provides curatives and treatments to all Americans. All of a sudden a new virus manifested that will kill people because they have no vaccine or cure of any kind, except seeing people through the course of a deadly virus. Much of what people are dealing with is DENIAL of the emergency. "These things simply don't happen to us." Well. Today, they do.
The research to understand the virus, manufacturing of all supplies to hospitals and the search for a vaccine must go on and will go on past the PEAK number of cases that have the hospitals at a disadvantage.
It is a difficult time to deal with this PANDEMIC. But, in some ways the Third World is better prepared emotionally and psychologically than the First World to realize the emergency is deadly and people have to listen to those that can help and then modify their behavior. This time the First World will have to listen to those that can help and modify their behavior to end the hospital crisis.