It is unfortunate in the USA that a person of conscience, morals and ethics are ridiculed by powerful people. These two people are among the MOST TO ADMIRE and be seen as ROLE MODELS to Americans.
As a rule, the Republicans have turned the definition of Great American on it's head. These two people are great Americans and Dr. Hanna-Attisha continues to give back in innumerable ways to prevent such a tragedy to occur again.
There is this chronic hubris that brings Great Americans a great deal of trouble in their lives. They are ridiculed to be seen as trouble makers. You'll excuse me, but, such Great Americans are never trouble makers, however, the Governor of the day was definitely a trouble maker all for the sake of "efficiency."
When efficiency causes death, illness and incredible trauma to an entire city, it is time to take a look at the language used in politics that stimulates violence and ridicule against people that are definitively Great Americans while cleansing those most responsible for tragedy of any blame. I believe the Republican Party is nothing more than a party of hubris and ridicule. That is easily seen in it's propaganda arm at Fox News. I think Fox News makes it's money by turning the definition of words and phrases like "Great American" into an honor according to their agenda while removing such phrases from demanding justice and recognition of truly Great Americans.
It is easy to call Dr. Hanna-Attisha a hero because she literally saved the lives of thousands of people in Flint by reporting in public to the public that their water was toxic and it needed to be replaced until no longer toxic. Mark Edwards, ALSO BY PROFESSION, has taken up the role of ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARD. He works with water. Of all things simply analyzing water can change the health outcomes of a city's people. He, by choice and as a scientist with a conscience has placed himself directly in the path of corrupt government even though that is not his agenda so much as happenstance.
These two people are Great Americans. There is no doubt. They are Great Americans because an American Governor was corrupt and willing to expose an entire impoverished city into a place in hell when their source of water was turned into a nightmare without even a minute notice that such an act empowered and demanded by an American Governor was going to happen.
The corruption of power and money kept the secret from the American public for an entire year. Please think about that. Rick Snyder demanded other people to find a METHOD of which an impoverished city can turn their assets into money to pay off the city's debt. Snyder called them Emergency Managers, but, they never managed anything so much as caused emergencies empowered by Snyder's demands and permission. Snyder pulled the lever on Flint, yet "the establishment" would see him as a great man to head to Harvard Kennedy School (click here) for a fellowship (click here) that was defeated by those that sincerely see the truth and not the propagandized image.
There is no doubt Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and Dr. Marc Edwards are Great Americans and it didn't take the Flint Water Crisis to define them. They were "at their core values" already heroes. The circumstances brought them to the public to validate that indeed THE CITIZENS of Flint are telling the truth, there is a profound problem in this city. See, Drs. Mona and Marc, in their minds and hearts, could do no different. Given the circumstances today, they would do the very same thing.
Turning to Rick Snyder, those VERY SAME CHARACTERISTICS do not apply. He is corrupt, values money over people and given the same circumstances all over again would continue to value money over people and do the same thing in Flint, Michigan. Why? Because he gets away with it. The power behind him INSURES him getting away with it. Rick Snyder and the power behind him are not Great Americans, they serve no good purpose to our society.
Republicans, at their core values, are not Great Americans. Their priorities do not rise to noble or even important. Their bank accounts are bulging at the seams, but, that was all ill gotten gains and there in lies the rub. The money provides them political power that corrupts and destroys the best of America. If Snyder had his druthers, Drs. Mona and Marc would have been interrupted and given generous grants to work silently and maintain the STATUS QUO. See, that is the way Republicans stroke their problems and make them go away. Conscience is not a priority for the GOP.
Before George Walker Bush took office the word million meant something and indicated a reward for talents and greatness. Then the USA illegally invaded Iraq and the word million no longer meant anything, it was replaced instead with the word billion. Before that billion was a giggle or laugh as to think such amounts of money even conceivable. But, the Republicans, after 911 used the trauma in the country to steer it into an unreality and sent $87 billion (click here) to Iraq. That's right, with a little more UN aid, the Republicans bought a country and called it greatness in removing Saddam. Only $87 billion turned the key.
The USA has a problem and it involves their Constitution. It is time for all Great Americans to realize what happened in Flint and how the entire country was rescued by two Great Americans with a conscience. Americans need to realize how close they came to never knowing the truth about Flint. AN ENTIRE YEAR of suffering DISAPPEARED. AN ENTIRE YEAR.
Today, Flint is finding it's way back with the help of Great Americans, but, if the Republicans, especially Rick Snyder, has their way; the greatness of these two people will never be rewarded ANYWHERE in the USA ever again.
A Whistleblower came forward to report how Donald John Trump was abusing his power and seeking to intimidate a president of another country for political benefit. TODAY, Donald John Trump is using the "idea" of corruption as a POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ISSUE by remaking the IMAGE of a former Democratic Vice President under a black President Obama to reflect someone of guilt who got away with it in Ukraine holding Hunter Biden as the poor slob that got caught. Caught doing what has yet to be created, but, the mystery exists according to Trump and all his legal lackeys.
Americans woke up to the atrocities of Flint, Michigan, but, will they wake up to the atrocities of the Republican Party and their willingness to live with a story called America rather than the USA Constitution?

March 7, 2020
A public health (click here) advocate — once named among the “100 Most Influential People in the World” by Time magazine — will visit SVSU next week to discuss her role in uncovering the Flint water crisis.
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha will appear for her presentation at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in SVSU’s Malcolm Field Theatre for Performing Arts. The event is free and open to the public.
Hanna-Attisha is a pediatrician, scientist, and public health advocate whose research and insistence helped reveal dangerous levels of lead in Flint's water supply following a change in the city's water source....