Friday, February 21, 2020

While on the subject of quality of life, Trump intends for his to be lavish, but, he intends nothing lavish to SSD recipients.

SSD recipients paid for their insurance no different than seniors. Enough of this victimization in exchange for the feel good feelings perverted Americans receive when kicking the disabled. I would think the disabled is the last place anyone would look before raiding the USA Treasury for a border wall.

February 21, 2020
By Sean Williams

The first quarter of every calendar year is traditionally when a sitting president will release their federal budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year (a federal fiscal year ends on Sept. 30 and begins on Oct. 1). Although presidential budget proposals often prove to be nothing more than talking points, with the actual spending bills passed by Congress rarely mirroring what the president suggested, one aspect of Trump's latest budget proposal has people talking.
In Trump's fiscal 2021 budget, he calls for a reduction in outlays to the Social Security program of $24 billion over the next decade. More than half of these savings would be derived from changes made to Social Security's Disability Insurance (SSDI) program.
The president's proposed "cut" to Social Security is of special concern to the 9.9 million people who received an SSDI benefit check last month. Of these 9.9 million people, almost 8.4 million are disabled workers, many of whom are reliant on the $1,258 a month that the program pays, on average. 
This proposal also comes after President Trump promised not to touch any of the entitlement programs, which includes Social Security, while on the campaign trail in 2015 and 2016....