McConnell is not interested in anti-hate legislation, anti-corruption legislation (HR-1) or preventing foreign money from entering the elections in the USA. It has been two years since the Russians invaded the 2016 elections, elected Trump and the US Senate has done NOTHING to end the invasion into the USA by foreign powers.
It now can be easily stated, morality does not matter to the Republicans because their politics is based in big money donors, hate and a corrupt FOX News.
McConnell and Trump plan to continue their Islamophobia because it is an election strategy. They will continue to pander to White Supremacists that we witnessed in Trump's hate speech during the 2018 elections.
The facts are very plain. The Right Wing Supreme Court hacked away at the Voting Rights Act, they made money a citizen and sided with Citizens United. It is very plain the power structure in the Republican Party is more interested in CONVERTING the USA into a Plutocratic - Theocracy than anything else. They have to be stopped. The US Supreme Court AND the Judiciary are all part of that campaign agenda.
The elections of 2018 were obviously tampered with as well. Georgia. North Carolina. Hate speech in Texas that moved Ted Cruz far ahead of O'Rourke and Florida.
This needs to stop and it is now obvious the Republicans have absolutely no intentions of participating in moral issues regarding the security of our country.
Trump's strategy for 2020 is the same hate filled speech of 2018, so security issues are at work. Trump is highly motivated for 2020 because he wants the US House back as well as the US Senate because he wants to change our term limits to three terms like his friend Putin or removing term limits altogether. He can't carry out such initiatives with a Democratic House.
Our elections going forward must be about the needs of the country and it's national security including secure, safe and free elections. It is our mission now.
One other thing, I heard a brief news report that Barr stated the US Justice Department will practice God's morality. I am confident that does not mean they will be following Pope Francis declarations to fight the climate crisis. He stated that to intimidate and oppress the LGBT community. The Trump administration, including the cabinet officers, are corrupt to the bone and hate is part of their daily agenda.
That idea of "God's morality" also prevents genetic research in the USA. Bush started it and now Trump's administration wants to continue it.