Friday, December 06, 2019

I hope Flint, Michigan would join in supporting Speaker Pelosi in the direction she is leading the country.

I have to set the statement by Nikki Haley straight in saying the Confederate flag was a symbol of sacrifice and heritage until Dylan Roof.

It is not much of a heritage and the sacrifice in the south was that of African slaves who were victims of cruel and inhumane plantation owners. She almost sounds as though she is sorry for taking down the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state grounds. At the time she removed the flag she stated, " should have never been there...."

As far as Dylan Roof, he is a murderer. He killed for the reason of White Supremacy/Nationalism. He is not unique and was not the first to hate that much.

Ms. Haley has no right making excuses for a heritage of hate and oppression. As a culture it has long outlived a country of diversity. She needs to apologize to the families of the victims of Dylan Roof.

It appears as though being a Vice Presidential wannabe for Trump requires selling her soul. I have to wonder what the Russians are demanding to endorse her.