Monday, December 16, 2019

Ban vaping and e-cigarettes even if it has to be done city by city, county by county and state by state. End its use, now.

Enough damage by vaping and e-cigarettes in 3 years can cause permanent and debilitating lung disease. There are also studies that address the fact it has a damaging effect on blood vessels and cardiac function. Those studies are not listed here.

The physics of the lungs producing that huge vaping smoke cloud dictates a lot of pressures within the cardiac-pulmonary systems. The heart and lungs work together and what effects one effects the other. It takes a lot of moisture to produce a large vapor cloud like that. Fluid in the lungs are carried by blood vessels. Just stop this insanity.

The article below was out today.

We continued to learn (click here) more about the long-term effects of vaping and e-cigarette use Monday. A first-of-its kind study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that even moderately extended use of e-cigarettes raise users' risk for lung illnesses and respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD) and asthma....

... "Use of e-cigarettes is an independent risk factor for respiratory disease in addition to combustible tobacco smoking. Dual use, the most common use pattern, is riskier than using either product alone."

In plainer terms, vaping and nicotine e-cigarette use carry their own, special respiratory illness risks that are separate from the lung illness risks of using more traditional, combustible tobacco products....

... just three years' worth was able to reveal links between vape use and these chronic lung conditions. The information was collected between 2013 and 2016.

For e-cigarette users, according to the study, the chances of developing a chronic lung condition like COPD, asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema went up by a risk factor of about 1.3; it was even more pronounced for combustible tobacco users, and those who used both suffered from a risk multiplier effect of mixing the products....