Sunday, November 03, 2019

New York State huckleberry is the Gaylussacia baccata, or black huckleberry.

This is one of New York's huckleberry bushes. See the cedar in the background.

Black Huckleberry (click here)

Ericaceae (Heath Family)

Synonym(s): Decachaena baccata


USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N), SPM (N)

A much-branched, stiff, colony-forming shrub, 1-2 ft. tall, with white, tubular flowers in axillary panicles on the previous season growth. Purplish-black, edible berries follow. The small, oval leaves turn shades of orange and crimson in the fall. An upright-branching shrub with small leaves and blue-black berries.

The berries on this shrub make is a valuable plant for wildlife.