Sunday, November 10, 2019

Forests are important.

Native Woody Plants of the United States, Their Erosion-Control and Wildlife Values (1938)

Yes, this is an old book, but, not a lot changes about roots, plants, trees and how they act to stabilize the very land human beings covet.

I have a lot of old books. Even old dictionaries. Why? Because they are like the Rock of Gibraltar, they are a continuous BASELINE that does not change. They are some of the best references I have. The library sales are where you'll find me. It is amazing what libraries sell to make room for new books. The old ones are worth their weight in gold, from an academic perspective.

But, as to EROSION in a time when parts of the USA are underwater more days then they are dry in the sunshine, this book will provide an understanding of how the land and trees have a relationship. Even some of the smallest plants are incredibly strong rooted.

Forests are important for more reasons than people realize.