Pediatricians need to be heard from when they speak to their patients. They are required by law to report any form of exploitation of a child. Children have far more contact with pediatricians and their staff than any other person in their lives from the time of birth. Health care includes mental health in children. Teachers are also required to report suspicions of abuse and exploitation.
In the case of Jeffery Epstein, it was the ESTEEM of women at a societial level that allowed him to victimize so may girls that became his recruiters. It is time to end the negative esteem of women in this society INCLUDING the fact they can make good decisions regarding their own bodies.
The latest news about Robert Kraft is that the prosecutors are waiting for an appeal about the tape that proves his guilt.
By Pamela Mason
Pope Francis attends a session of The Protection Of Minors In The Church meeting in Vatican City on February 22 The Pope has called a summit of 190 Catholic Church leaders to combat the clergy sexual abuse scandal involving minors.
Salt Lake City - Legislators (click here) in two Western states are pushing measures that would require clergy members to report confessions of child sex abuse to authorities.
State Sen. Jerry Hill of California and state Rep. Angela Romero of Utah want their states to join about a dozen others in treating members of the clergy the same as numerous other professions - including teachers, doctors and social workers - who are required to inform law enforcement when they learn a child has been abused....