Friday, June 14, 2019

'McConnell's Graveyard': Nancy Pelosi Lists Bills Passed By House That S...(click here for US Senate calendar)

None of these bills are frivolous. The delay of gun legislation is causing deaths in the USA. Mitch McConnell is literally the Grim Reaper. It is not just a legislative Grim Reaper either. The negligence by the US Senate to address the problems of the USA is a political agenda and not one of the American people.

If the Republican Senate cannot be honest brokers of power then they don't belong there.

It is about half way through the year and there are 24,142 gun incidents and 6351 gun deaths. Of those deaths there are 273 deaths of children 11 years old and under and 1217 young people between the ages of 12 to 17.

And what has the US Senate done to end these tragedies? Not a darn thing.