Friday, May 24, 2019

There is a real problem with Trump's latest power moves.

Bill Barr is answering to Trump in a way that can undermine the USA sovereignty. 

After September 11th the people of the USA spent a great deal of money to build a new national security center whereby all the agencies can exchange information. This new supposed power play by Trump should never even be an issue in the first place.

By making an issue of the idea the Attorney General has to reach into areas of the agencies that are not readily available should be a worry to every Congressperson today. Why? Because Barr has no right to reach into current activities of the intelligence agencies in order to compromise operations ongoing and the people carry out that work.

The agencies were placed under common leadership in Homeland Security. Allowing the Attorney General carte blanc to meander through the operations of Homeland Security is going cause questions and problems. Big problems that may very well cost the USA some of it's finest agents if Barr causes jeopardy that did not exist before.

Additionally, Trump is still having a conversation with Putin. What if Trump carries information about current operations back to him, AGAIN?

There is also the issue of the Middle East and Iran. Kushner is actively involved with the UAE and Saudi Arabia. What is this all about? The warmongering and the intentions of overreach in a way that will cause a war rather than a peace plan has to come into question. The Trump Executive Branch is a real problem and it continues to grow more and more problems.

There need to be inquiries into all these actions by the Executive Branch and an assessment of the reality rather than Trump's reality. I think the FBI and CIA need to be heard from to understand if Bill Barr has compromised their operations in anyway.


Trump should realize when arms are sold to any country by the USA, it isn't about money. It is about alliances and whether or not there is far more explosive power in the world because of those sales than can be restrained even can be used against the USA.

The reason the legislature has these authorities is because of the danger of that authority.