This is a weapon. Give me a break. Call it what it is. The initial satellite was launched from Russia and for the most part, it was a normal launch and the USA loses interest afterward, right? I mean it wasn't like it was, "Incoming !"
As time went by the Americans discovered the Russia satellite gave birth to another satellite. Now, either this is the most prolific form of satellite ever made and it found a mate in space or it has a covert purpose in deploying additional satellites without an American-overserved rocket launch.
I think there is a good possibility it is Russia's answer to star wars. The USA based system is triangulated off ground based missiles, but, what if a system could be built to operate in space where the ICBM's travel? I think that is what this is. Why shouldn't a space based system have many friendly satellites to triangulate off each other in a cyber sensitive world in space? The satellites can find the exact location of a USA ICBM and knock it out of the sky. Supposedly.
Americans don't have to wait for Putin to validate concerns of weaponizing space. Figure it out and then develop counter measures as soon as possible. Russia would reject a gound based system because it is convinced the KGB could disarm the ground based radar long before there was a shot fired.
How easy is it to hack into a cyber system in space anyway?
By Carrie in America
“We don’t know for certain what it is (click here) and there is no way to verify it,” said US State Department official Yleem D.S. Poblete speaking at the U.N.’s Conference on Disarmament this week.
Russia claims that the satellite, which is said to have been launched in October last year, is a “space apparatus inspector”, but Poblete voiced concerns that it could actually be a weapon.
The satellite is “not acting in a manner consistent with a satellite designed to conduct safe and responsible inspection operations”…
“The United States has serious concerns about the activities of the Russian government in developing anti-satellite weapons,” said Poblete.
Russia has dismissed claims that the satellite is a weapon.
Alexander Deyneko, a Russian diplomat in Geneva, told Reuters that the claims were “unfounded, slanderous accusations based on suspicions.”
In February, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov announced that the “prevention of an arms race in outer space” is a priority for Russia.
However, the following month, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed six “new major offensive weapon systems” during his State of the Union speech, including the Peresvet military mobile laser system....