Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Continued from previous entry

There are current government officials in contempt of Congress. That is supposed to mean something and Americans should be worried and appalled this has occurred. I don't know what kind of information technology needs to carry these warnings, but, someone better figure it out. There was a lot of damage done to the American people by the Russian Federation in the 2016 elections, that same media needs to bring the people home again.

Efforts to have McGahn deny that the President had ordered him to have the Special Counsel removed.

That is obstruction of justice and the proof is in the supporting documents to this report.

In early 2018, the press reported that the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed in June 2017 and that McGahn had threatened to resign rather than carry out the order. The President reacted to the news stories by directing White House officials to tell McGahn to dispute the story and create a record stating he had not been ordered to have the Special Counsel removed. McGahn told those officials that the media reports were accurate (Where is my headline? This is a factual accounting by the Special Counsel, what else does anyone need? Repeat it over and over until the people hear it. They are not hearing this stuff.) in stating that the President had directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed. The President then met with McGahn in the Oval Office and again pressured him to deny the reports. In the same meeting, the President also asked McGahn why he had told the Special Counsel about the President's effort to remove the Special Counsel and why McGahn took notes of his conversations with the President. McGahn refused to back away from what he remembered happening and perceived the President to be testing his mettle.

What is it about resigning from the Trump administration that gives honest men the backbone to stand up to him? McGahn is the second reporting of this phenomenon. Sessions is the first.

Conduct towards Flynn, Manafort, HOM (Harm to Ongoing Matter). After Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with the President and began cooperating with the government, the President's personal counsel left a message for Flynn's attorneys reminding them of the President's warm feelings towards Flynn, which he said "still remains," and asking for a "heads up" if Flynn knew "information that implicates the President." When Flynn's counsel reiterated that Flynn could no longer share information pursuant to a joint defense agreement, the President's personal counsel said he would make sure that the President knew that Flynn's actions reflected "hostility" towards the President. During Manafort's prosecution and when the jury in his criminal. trial was deliberating, the President praised Manafort in public, said that Manafort was being treated unfairly, and declined to rule out a pardon. After Manafort was convicted, the President called Manafort "a brave man" for refusing to "break" and said that "flipping " "almost ought to be outlawed."

The rise of criminality ushered in by Donald J. Trump. Paul Manafort is a criminal who also sought to make money off a banker by promising the banker he would get him a job as the Secretary of the Navy. What was it Trump said, "I like Paul Manafort. He was always a good guy." Paul Manafort was using his status with Trump to defraud a bank. I don't think Paul Manafort is a good guy and it is a shame Trump likes the guy. What is even more unfortunate is that Trump brought in a communist sympathizer as a campaign manager.

Make no mistake. Paul Manafort supports communist regimes and profits handsomely from that relationship. There is something very wrong there. An American took his abilities and put them to work for an enemy of the USA. This is not a casual relationship that Americans think of as "a job." This is a departure from American values to place a communist at the top of the Ukraine government.

Ukraine was completely disarmed of nuclear weapons that were once belonging to the USSR. In exchange for disarming from those nuclear weapons, there was a treaty signed by Germany, the USA, Russia and Ukraine that GUARANTEED peace for Ukraine. Ukraine was never to experience war again. The governance of Ukraine was to be decided by the people of Ukraine. The constitutional processes were being corrupted by a communist leadership of one of the parties and Ukraine was falling from grace as far as the people were concerned. The demonstrates in the Maidan were never supposed to result in deaths, but, it did and Yanukovych fled the country. Why would a president flea any country? Because the people were right, they were losing their democracy in incremental steps and the communists were responsible. These same communists that committed human rights abuses in the Maidan were the same people Paul Manafort worked for. He had to leave Ukraine as the repercussions of the Maidan set in because he was no longer among friends, but, among the people that were losing their democracy.

Paul Manafort was never going to be a lawful campaign manager. Maybe that was what Trump wanted, someone that could have unlawfulness held over their head as if Damocles Sword.

It never occurred to Trump even one time that Manafort was unfit for a presidential campaign.


I am going to end there for today. I feel as though I have rattled on enough. Until tomorrow.