In realizing Trump's refuses oversight by the US House it is easily realized as a methodology. The methodology is to delay, delay, delay and delay as much as possible.
The information required that Trump seeks chronic delay is about his PUBLIC IMAGE. Trump's public image is everything to HIS BRAND. His brand is not the problem of the US Congress. Congress cannot take every brand in the USA under it's wing to allow passes on requests for information. If Congress was ever to allow such protections of information, FOIA requests usually overcome any hurdles in Congress.
The Secretary of State must demand all tax returns as printed and submitted. They aren't printing anything except what is already on the record. The states cannot publish an ongoing audit. I doubt if listing any audit status without the facts is prudent or legal, but, displaying the submitted tax return has to be part of the elections.
April 24, 2019
By Shira Tarlow
...Neary twenty states (click here) across the county have introduced legislation that would require all presidential and vice presidential candidates to release their individual tax returns in order to appear on the ballot during the presidential or general election, according to data from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).
Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.
Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns....
The federal government has a right to request and demand these records because there is existing law. It can't be made public, but, they have a right to see them.
Here again, Trump is putting his thumb on the scale with Secretary Munchkin hiding everything Congress demands. The Pardon. Just because this is not the Special Council doesn't mean the promise of pardoning has gone away. Congress has to get tough. The Trump Administration is corrupt to the core.
This is the very same thing the states will run into and it will probably be the Attorney General as Trump's defense attorney that will file. The Trump White House is RNC and Trump Campaign Headquarters.
If Trump loses his re-election bid during the primaries, this won't be a problem.