The Republicans would reek holy hell if the US House carried out an impeachment hearing. They would not vote to remove Trump from office based upon a valid impeachment.
The Democrats have to manage the functioning of the government. If the US House carries out impeachment, there would be a government shutdown by the Republicans that would last two years.
There is a lot to balance. The US House has budget authority and the ridiculous bill proposed by Trump will be invalidated and balanced.
The US House needs to carry out its oversight. The testimony by Michael Cohen cannot be dismissed. He has to be corroborated. That means oversight has to carry out their investigation. I would worry about the country more if the committees of the US House were not functioning. The Democrats in the US House carry sincere brevity.
If Trump carries out his temper tantrum again by putting the USA into peril by shutting down the government, then impeachment has to be considered. There are right wing commentators stating the last shutdown proved the government unnecessary in the places where the government was shut down. They state the economy was not effected. Those are huge lies, but, gives the Republicans feel good feelings to carry out yet another and a possibly more extensive government shutdown.
I think Speaker Pelosi is sufficiently tough on the president. He doesn't care about the people, cares only about wealth and his own enrichment. Speaker Pelosi is insisting the government and the people come first.
The electorate needs to be writing or calling their US Senators and make it plain they need to carry concern for them and if necessary carry out impeachment as a road forward to act in the best interest for the country.
There are bills before the US Senate right now regarding health care, gun control, anti-hate and anti-corruption of elections. Mitch McConnell is refusing to bring the bills before the US Senate for political reasons. McConnell does not want Republican Senators voting on these bills so their votes can be brought before the electorate in the 2020 elections. McConnell is scared of "the primary" before the elections as well.
McConnell enjoys the election corruption, the racism that drives the Republican base, the wild west gun culture and believes those uninsured can use the emergency rooms to receive care.
Republicans chronically state the people without health care insurance receive excellent care at any hospital ER. That reality of using a hospital ER as a primary care doctor is dangerous and has been used by Republicans as an excuse to end health care bills. The idea McConnell subscribes to these extremes is a statement all by itself. Actions speak louder than words.
Using the ER as a primary care physician is not necessarily simple. When a person has pneumonia, by the time they are an emergency they are facing death and not simply an emergency. A cough is not necessarily viewed as an emergency. The idea the ER is the best primary doctor for uninsured Americans can be realized when the Mexican children at the southern border were treated at a USA ER. They were seen too late and died of the flu. These are the same perils the uninsured Americans face. People die because they do not have health care insurance and that is a fact. It is measurable.