Friday, January 25, 2019

This just isn't right. I don't think Air Traffic Controllers should be working a second job.

It is not right that flight attendants can't estimate the degree of danger they may face from one flight to the next. There are far better ways to determine if there is still 911 type dangers to the airlines than waiting for the odds to catch up with everyone.

It just isn't right.

January 25, 2019
By Dom DiFurio

Flights out of DFW Airport (click here) are experiencing delay times averaging 41 minutes for travelers heading to La Guardia Airport Friday while the rest of the airport remains business as usual, according to the FAA's flight delay information.

Traffic at DFW Airport remains normal as the airport continues to monitor checkpoints, according to DFW International Airport Media Relations Manager Cynthia Vega.

Generally, arrivals to DFW are experiencing delays of up to 15 minutes.

The Federal Aviation Administration halted flights into New York's LaGuardia Airport because of a shortage of air-traffic control staff, escalating the pressure on President Donald Trump and lawmakers to end the government shutdown....

Things are going to get too dicey and everyone will go on a nationwide strike. Once the country is completely crippled, then Donald Trump and the Senate Republicans might see their way clear to pass a bill and sign it.

Federal employees are very valuable people. They care. They want the country to function and function well. But, when it comes to safety they won't compromise. They know what happens if they do.

January 25, 2019
By Lori Arantani

Federal officials temporarily restricted flights Friday (click here) into and out of New York’s LaGuardia Airport, another example of the toll the partial government shutdown – in its 35th day – is having on the nation’s airports.

“We have experienced a slight increase in sick leave at two facilities,” a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration said in an emailed statement. “We’ve mitigated the impact by augmenting staffing, rerouting traffic and increasing spacing between aircraft when needed. The results have been minimal impacts to efficiency while maintaining consistent levels of safety in the national airspace system.”

Travelers were notified of air traffic issues at and were advised to check with their airline for more information.

The FAA’s Airport Status Information website cited shortages at two facilities, including one near Washington, which manages air traffic. The temporary restrictions affect arriving and departing flights at the airport. Arriving flights were delayed an average of 41 minutes and departures were experiencing delays between 15 and 29 minutes, the FAA said.