Wednesday, January 23, 2019

It is confrontational. The National Mall is a place where citizens come to carry a message.

By being confrontational these young people hoped some sort of emotional outbreak would happen. I don't know why Nathan Phillips (click here) would want to meet with the teenagers, but, he willing to do so.

The teenagers have a profound tilt into insulting behavior. They need to work on that to prevent unnecessary confrontation in the real adult world.

Perhaps Mr. Phillips can educate the teenagers at Covington Catholic about the Native American culture they confronted on the National Mall. That wasn't noise, the performance by Mr. Phillips conveys a message.

Just as a side note, Senator Elizabeth Warren is running for President of the USA in the race in 2020. Native Americans should expect this type of confrontation on a regular basis. Also to note, after Senator Kamala Harris announced her candidacy, Trump and Pence show up at the Martin Luther King Memorial. I think Trump sees it necessary to campaign against all those running for President in 2020. Expect that mess, too.

I think the Democrats are an incredibly dynamic party and their nominees so far are incredible people with strong moral content to their campaign.