Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Anderson Cooper is correct.

January 21, 2019
By Tamar Auber

On Monday night, (click here) CNN’s Anderson Cooper slammed President Donald Trump‘s lawyer for his attempt to mop up his Sunday Trump Tower Moscow mess by claiming what he said was “hypothetical.”...

If I may?

The USA press and probably the international press as well is disrespected by the Trump White House. They have even suspended daily meetings with Sanders for petty reasons.

This mess with Guiliani only proves all the more that the Trump White House and it's minions are manipulating the public dialogue. The lies by Guiliani are many. This is just one more.

The USA media is a dynamic entity in the country and the USA has every reason to be proud of it. It is the fourth arm of government and it is a very valuable place for citizens. Citizens, regardless of what side of the aisle one finds themselves, need the media for information, daily weather for that matter, what is occurring with their city and state and especially in times of danger as we have today, what is occurring with the federal government.

The media in the USA is powerful. Rightfully, so. The people should have a place where power takes up their freedom of speech or conveys a story or is simply a place where public education occurs. I don't abide by the idea infotainment is legitimate media, either.

Rudy Guiliani has made statements now that he was speaking in hypotheticals. Really? He sat on a nationally televised news program and spoke openly about the truth of what was occurring with Trump and Russia during the campaign. I didn't have to hear it from Guiliani, I was waiting for the Special Council to conclude the investigation. But, evidently the DOJ is going to hide the Special Council's report from the public and it will not be known for some time. So, with that Guiliani comes forward to speak. Is he the only minion of Trump that the American public will hear a reporting of the relationship between Trump Company, the president and Russia? Well, today Guiliani has proven himself untrustworthy and his appearances should be limited to FOX News where nothing is the truth unless it suits their purpose.

I would be very insulted if a politician came before my audience and openly manipulated the words he or she spoke. The power of the media lies in the truth. People, regardless of their notoriety, need to speak the truth and where that is abandoned there is no reason to validate it by providing them a voice. Sensationalism is best left for real entertainment.