Senator John Kennedy is justifying his wayward vote for Kavanaugh by creating his own scenarios.
To begin Dr. Ford was not sexually harassed, she was sexually assaulted. John Kennedy is substituting his own definition for sexual assault. Dr. Ford was physically removed from her exit from the bathroom to a bedroom by Kavanaugh and Judge. That is an abuction and the sexual assault began when the music was loud enough and the door was closed with Judge standing guard while Kavanaugh had his turn with a 15 year old they didn’t know. She was depersonalized by Kavanaugh and Judge in order for them to treat her as an sexual object.
US Senator Kennedy is not interested in Dr. Ford’s accounting because it does not fit his political goals or that of the Federalist Society. Lying comes easy to men who don’t listen to women, but, seeks to control to place their own purposes in place instead.