What the Massachusetts study is actually saying is that there is no safe dose that will degrade over the life of a person. So, the idea a person contaminated with too many rads can simply have a few weeks off and return without a worry is nonsense.
You have to realize the reason there are nuclear rods in cooling pools forever, is because the degradation time of the rods is far longer than one human life time. So, if the rods are in cooling pools without being able to safely dispose of them, then the dust is not going to degrade either.
I hate nuclear anything. It is such an insult to the biology of living things that it has no place believing it is a benevolent and good thing. That is the problem with these right wing wackos, like Trump, they embrace nonsense. They will argue and win elections with the attitude, "You are just to scared of anything nuclear to admit it is the fear that stifles you."
So, this is our national defense and we are supposed to be okay with this because the national defense requires it to be so. NO! "W"rong! No one is required to be okay with any of it! Jerks!
Trump held a conference last week with the UN Security Council. Country after country came forward to REPORT the atrocities of the United States of America. Trump's reply was basically, "Too bad." Well, that is not the attitude of a president that cares for the people of this country either. The reason Trump has the "Too Bad" attitude is because this is exactly what keeps American Presidents from doing the right thing. Nuclear weapons cause the "Too Bad" attitude and we need to end this mess!
If Trump didn't have nukes within his arsenal, THEN the world would see the man he truly is not!
I would love to see American politicians have to make policy UNPLUGGED from nuclear weapons. It would be an incredible sight to see.
September 28, 2018
By Ralph Vartabedian
Studies by a Massachusetts scientist (click here) say that invisible radioactive particles of plutonium, thorium and uranium are showing up in household dust, automotive air cleaners and along hiking trails outside the factories and laboratories that for half a century contributed to the nation’s stockpile of nuclear weapons.
The findings provide troubling new evidence that the federal government is losing control of at least some of the radioactive byproducts of the country’s weapons program.
Marco Kaltofen, a nuclear forensics expert and a professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, said he collected samples from communities outside three lab sites across the nation and found a wide variation of particle sizes. He said they could deliver lifelong doses that exceed allowable federal standards if inhaled.
“If you inhale two particles, you will exceed your lifetime dose under occupational standards, and there is a low probability of detecting it,” he said.
A peer-reviewed study by Kaltofen was published in its final form in May in Environmental Engineering Science. Kaltofen, who also is the principal investigator at the nuclear and chemical forensics consulting firm Boston Chemical Data Corp., released a second study in recent weeks.
Such assurances have been rejected by nuclear plant workers, their unions and activists who monitor environmental issues at nearly every lab and nuclear weapons site in the nation....