Anti-abortion is not necessarily Pro-life, it is anti-woman. Anti-abortion agendas are misogyny.

October 10, 2018
A Parkersburg city councilman (click here) now faces a lawsuit, over yet another comment made on social media.
A Parkersburg man has filed suit against Eric Barber, claiming the district #4 councilman made defamatory statements against him.
Douglas Evans claims Barber posted a comment in response to a Evans' comment on a Facebook video.
Evans believes Barber implied he was a pedophile.
Barber has come under fire this week after a Facebook post aimed at opponents of the U.S. Senate's confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Saturday.
The incident has led some to call for Barber's resignation or removal from city council, something council leadership and the city's attorney say can be done only by petition.
City council Tuesday night issued a statement announcing its disagreement with Barber's comments.
Barber was present at the meeting, but did not comment on council's statement or on the controversy.