Jamal Khashoggi is dead because he was perceived as a threat and not because of his actions or words. While his journalism brought him attention by the authorities of Saudi Arabia, the urgency for his death increased because the engagement built on the idea of Jamal being a threat. The engagement increased the interest in ending his life before he could be married and have a family, especially the birth of a son.
Within the orthodox practice of the Muslim faith, sons can seek justice, albeit acts of murder, for the death of a father. If a man is perceived as a threat that threat increases with the birth of children, especially boys. I sometimes wonder if the son of Anwar al-Awlaki (click here) was conducted for that reason or was it because the cell phone number had many repeated connections with Awlaki?
At any rate, the children or in this case anticipated children of a person, mostly men, are almost more of a worry than the man himself. Jamal Khashoggi is not the only man to be targeted because of an engagement. However, in at least one other case I read in the foreign press, the man relinquished his engagement and was spared his life. It was reported in the media within the past month. I feel certain about this as a factor to Jamal Khashoggi's attack and possible death.
It is noteworthy as to the fall in value to Saudi Arabian stocks and the confrontation of Jamal Khashoggi's disappearance. Investors get nervous when uncertainty enters a market. The deaths that have occurred in Saudi Arabia are a concern to investors because they have reassurances about the stability of their investments. Investors also don't like to think of themselves as targets to whims of authoritarians.
The disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi must be solved and the US Congress acts to resolve such violence against journalists. It may be indecision by US authorities/Congress may limit the investment into Saudi Arabia regardless of signed documents between Trump and the Crowned Prince. All those companies that Trump values over human life are run and invested in by people that make decisions outside the influence of Trump's authoritarian regime.