Saturday, September 15, 2018

This is Steve Bryant. He blows up gas pipelines as a CEO.

Will new infrastructure be covered by some kind of insurance or government agreement?

This is the third time Bryant has controlled a company that had explosions from his natural gas company.

See, infrastructure costs money to manufacture and install. We have seen the issues with water in Flint. The public utilities can ask for rate hikes if they are running into high costs of replacing infrastructure and Steve here, has just received a rate high in Massachusetts from the public utility commission, but, the commissioner hasn't signed it yet. Really? And Governor Charlie Baker states the company is handling this disaster adequately? Really?

September 15, 2018
By Kevin McCoy

...Columbia Gas of Massachusetts (click here) is the business name of Bay State Gas Company, according to a written summary of testimony that Stephen Bryant, the utility's president and chief operating officer, provided in April for a rate hike request submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities....

Springfield, Mass explosion
West Virginia Pipeline explosion
Ohio Pipeline explosion

Buyer beware.

October 14, 2016
By Jim Kinney

Both Columbia Gas and Berkshire Gas are close, (click here) they say, to going public with plans to increase the supply of natural gas to Hampshire and Franklin counties.
Increasing that supply would end the 2-year-old moratoriums on new gas service hook-ups both utilities have imposed on their territories in the northern half of the Pioneer Valley. The affected communities are Northampton and Easthampton in Columbia Gas' service territory and Amherst, Deerfield, Hadley, Hatfield, Greenfield, Montague, Sunderland and Whatley in Berkshire Gas' territory.
The solutions might involve expanding the existing Northampton lateral gas line, which runs from a main gas line in Southwick north to Greenfield. The solution might also involve swapping capacity on that line with other utilities. Or it might involve creating stations where gas or propane can be added to the network in Franklin and Hampshire counties to backfill supply without over-taxing the Northampton lateral, executives from both companies said Thursday in separate interviews...