Dr. Ford does not recall who drove her home when she left the house when she was assaulted. She recalls not having her driver's license because she would have driven herself. It is a gap of reality that can be toyed with, "Who drove Dr. Ford? What was her mental status? Etc." She exited the house, so she had enough ability to do that.
Dr. Ford engaged a therapist and someone has the therapist's notes. Dr. Ford stated the therapist's notes are inaccurate. It happens.
Senator Whitehouse states to the record and Dr. Ford what is normal for such testimony. He points out the TEST to whether or not a prosecutor would find her testimony concerned enough to consider as a crime has been met, but, no one is interested in that fact, especially the FBI. Dr. Ford provided details to allow assessment of a crime. Not done. Someone is obstructing justice in hopes of sweeping it under the rug. Quite possibly, that is how Brett Kavanaugh made it this far in our judicial system.
Senator Whitehouse states, this is an unusual circumstance in that a crime investigation has been stopped by the President, FBI Director Wray and 11 members of the US Senate Judicial Committee. More corruption. More victimization of women. Unprecedented corruption.
Senator Grassley is passing on a timeline of the testimony.
Odd, Mr. Judge submitted a statement that can be held as perjury and criminal consequences can apply. In the statement by Senator Grassley he stated Mr. Judge did not recall a party that he was stated to attend. But, then he states Mr. Judge does not recall Brett Kavanaugh being at that party. Either Judge was there or not. Judge cannot say he knows nothing about a party and at the same time deny Kavanaugh being there.
PTSD is common to sexual violence. The degree to which that is a problem varies. Again, I stated as before, women can be productive, but, their quality of life is effected in coping with their sexual harassment, abuse, assault or rape.
Dr. Ford states she flys in planes frequently and never was to Australia, regardless, of her employer being there. She flys to many places for vacations. I suppose she flys in an out of an area to commit fraud in her testimony. Or. There is some toxic syndrome between PTSD and flying in planes. Whatever.
Dr. Ford took trips to meet attorneys and there was an understanding a lie detector would be good. She took a lie detector test.
Medical evidence is weighed with more brevity than other folks. Dr. Ford explains that therapist records with couple therapy and personal can vary because they are looking at "process" and not the story being stated so there can be some inaccuracies depending on how it is weighted by any therapist opposed to another.
Memorable aspects of the sexual assault.
The living
The stairwell
The bedroom
The bathroom in close proximity
The laughter
The escape and doing so
Polygraph report requested to be submitted to the committee and it is accepted, but, the person performing the polygraph was not allowed to testimony. It was administered on August 7th and the report is dated August 10th and now there is a date of August 26th that is pertinent in relation to the polygraph. Senator Grassley states he hopes all are satified that the request to submit was allowed.
July 6th is when Dr. Ford contacted the Washington Post. The date is important because it was before the nomination occurred. Dr. Ford states she has been trying to report her information regarding sexual assault before the nomination. Why would Dr. Ford not contact the New York Times? Whatever. Dr. Ford went on to talk to Emma Brown (click here) at the Washington Post.
During this time Dr. Ford was in touch with her Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (click here), eventually she would meet with Rep. Eshoo.
Senator Coons states Dr. Ford was trying to notify people already stated while there was a shortlist of candidates and before Kavanaugh's nomination.
Dr. Ford stated her coping with the symptoms of post sexual violence. She has been able to be successful to her current career, but, it effected her more personal relationships in different ways.
Senator Coons goes on to bring about the reality that a person's body chemistry can effect why some things about the assault is remembered sharply while others are not. Senator Coons thanks Dr. Ford for her dedication and bravery.
Mitchell asks whether Dr. Ford approached contacted a Republican member of Congress. AND, of course, Dr. Ford's district is not represented by a Republican House member or Senator.
Objection to confidential information in the hearing was recognized and asked for question be reworded. August 7th Dr. Ford was in Delaware and then on to New Hampshire and back to Delaware. Congresswomen Eshoo's office handled the letter to forward it on to Senator Feinstein. The Senator asked questions about the incident and is a member of the US Senate Judicial Committee and a logical choice. No permission to release the letter was given to Senator Feinstein. July 30 and August 7th Dr. Ford was interviewing lawyers. She spoke to no one else. Even today, Dr. Ford has not spoken to her parents about the sexual assault. Interesting.
Dr. Ford hired a lawyer at some point to get advice based on friend's concern and recommendation.
It appears Senator Blumenthal is moved by Dr. Ford's actions and thanks her for it. He also makes note that this testimony does not have it's purpose of which one is inspiring other women to come forward and lessons of strength and respect to both genders of the USA. He states that inability to remember every second of any event is not necessarily recalled by people of any vernacular. The Senator brings forth a statement by Senator Graham in that it is difficult for a victim to come forward about their experience. Senator Blumenthal states an FBI investigation of Mark Judge would be helpful in creating a timeline to the assault. But, there is obstruction by the President in having the FBI investigation.
Dr. Ford's attorney is objecting to some of the confidential material asked for that is attorney - client privilege.
Mitchell - Dr. Ford states the polygraph was extremely stressful. The polygraph was done in Baltimore area to accommodate Dr. Ford. She attended her grandmother's funeral in the Baltimore area. The polygraph was conducted the same day or the next. Dr. Ford never had a polygraph test before. She does not know who paid for the polygraph. She doesn't know who did as of yet. Her statement is in her poorest handwriting but was her own composition. Audio and video recording was not a recollection of Dr. Ford, but, her tears were. It was conducted in a hotel conference room. There was a computer set up and Dr. Ford assumed she could have been recorded and she thought that might have been going on.
I have been running a timer in front of me during this time and feeling no stress regarding this effort. I have another appointment made before the date set for this hearing. It will take me away to at least 3PM and quite possibly the rest of the day.
Best regards to all interested in this blog. I seek to be accurate and helpful. I think Dr. Ford is amazing and applaud her for her dedication to the USA and the factual approach to her testimony. A polygraph is extraordinary dedication. She is not treating any of this frivolously and without depth to the truth.