Today, the Trump rant is back to Jeff Sessions and lamenting for an Attorneys General that throws the USA Constitution out the window and does what Trump demands. It isn’t bad enough there is a completely incompetent Assistant Attorney General from the Russian Alpha Bank, Brian Benczkowski, now, Trump wants him center stage in hopes that Manafort is acquitted. Sessions who has stood up to Trump on occasion and backed Rod Rosenstein is Trump’s choice to start the carnage in the US Justice Department. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
First, Sessions, then Rosenstein and finally the most feared, a competent Mueller. Imagine, the mass confusion with US Justice as leadership is replaced by incompetency. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
I have to wonder how dedicated Trump is to communism. He is forcing a long lived American motorcycle company out of Wisconsin to replace it with a Chinese company. That is outrageous. Are all the died in the wool American iconic companies going to receive the same treatment? Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
Trump’s ranting is far more than suspicious when one realizes a former Russian Alpha Bank executive will have a real place at the top of US Justice with incompetent handling of Russian Sanction violations. That is Trump’s plan. It always has been as Americans still wonder what Putin is blackmailing Trump with. Or is he? Is Trump so far gone that he actually embraces communism as “The New American Government Reform?” Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
We know as President of the USA, Trump is incompetent. His megaphone has some clout left, I guess. He is obviously a puppet to the communists. So where does this end? Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
I believe regardless of the verdict with Manafort both sides of the prosecution have grounds for appeal. Count on it. So, an irreverent judge is going to be the spring board to widespread US Justice carnage? First one has to ask if the judge knew he was a willing partner to facilitating communism. Then, a question as to Giuliani’s involvement and how deep the Oval Office corruption goes. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
Today, Paul Manafort’s case will be provided a defense and with little defense except to dispute the prosecution and the jury may receive the case for a verdict. Eventually, a verdict will be decided and knowing how well Trump likes his gamesmanship of pitting one person against another and never accepting responsibility for doing so, the political spin of defaming US Justice will begin. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
Peter Strzok was wrongfully fired. Yet another career employee that defended the US Constitution gone. His political dialogue on the job was permitted by policy. Has the policy changed or Strzok simply a political scapegoat? I hope he was protected by a union. He and the others that are part of the Trump’s political agenda are prime examples of why government employees are union. They do a job that can be ended with the next election. Those jobs are not political, they take care of our country. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background ?
In reflection of all the federal employees that have left or were fired under Trump there can actually be a democratic shadow government developing. There is no smell of Vladimir Putin in that background.
I hear Trump is eating paper (pica) as a diet when under stress. The Fat Man in the White House needs a nutritional review and a tox screen for eating ink along with the paper. Do I smell Vladimir Putin in the background?
I look forward to the jury’s decisions. The question remains will it smell of Vladimir Putin in the background? There was that three hour meeting in Helsinki yet to be disclosed after all. That definitely smells of Vladimir Putin in the background.