Sunday, August 26, 2018

It's Sunday Night

Dalia Grybauskaitė (click here) was born in Vilnius on 1 March 1956. She studied at Vilnius Salomėja Nėris Secondary School.

In 1983, she graduated political economy from the then Leningrad University.

In 1988, she defended her thesis at Moscow Academy of Public Sciences and received doctoral degree in economics. In 1993, the Research Council of Lithuania granted her an academic degree of doctor of social sciences.

In 1992, she completed a special six-month program for senior executives at Georgetown University in Washington.

In 1983, she worked as scientific secretary at the society "Žinija" under the Academy of Sciences....

...In 2004, Dalia Grybauskaitė was appointed EU commissioner responsible for financial programming and budget.
In November 2005, she was elected Commissioner of the Year for her efforts to reform the EU budget.
Dalia Grybauskaitė serves as the president of Lithuania since July 12, 2009.
The President speaks four foreign languages: English, Russian, Polish, basic French....