Fox News is becoming toxic to the USA democracy.
They are taking the speeches by Trump literally without fact checking. They don’t cover all aspects of the politics and accuse all and I mean all other news outlets of being primarily negative about Trump.
In particular in Trump’s speech to Veterans he mentioned a satellite image of a North Korean missle site being dismantled. He also stated he was appreciative of “Chairman Kim” for that. Some really good reporting following that speech pointed to the fact that particular missle site was obsolete in that it was a liquid fuel site rather than a solid fuel missle site.
This information is in Trump’s hands and he uses it for PR purposes while he seeks to disable free speech through a well educated media. He is dangerous and so is Fox News.
The use of classified information is not for politics or for Trump to have a feel good moment with Putin and the Russians. Donald Trump has issues of toxic narcissism and Fox News has enough media penitration to sink and destroy this democracy as Trump grows his stong man dictatorship based in a replica of communist Russia.
End of discussion.