Oh, it has a title Helsinki 2018:
The FBI did take the Clinton server. The servers are not the issue when it comes to the Russian hacking . Trump is lying. The Russians hacker into the DNC, the DCCC and election rolls. The one thing the Russian military hackers did not or was not able to do was change the vote count. In other words there was no Russian military stuffing the ballot box. Stuffing the US electronic ballot box has yet to be perfected by the Russians.
Putin may not have known Trump and other visitor traffic in Moscow from day to day, but, Russian intelligence would.
Trump was evasive in the news conference and I doubt seriously there was any discussion of the Russian military hackers and the request by him to conduct that hacking. I have yet to see any offer by Trump to open the Trump campaign servers and the servers to the RNC to allow equity to exist. Trump benefitted from the hacking into the Democratic emails, so, why not open up his emails and private server to balance the disadvantage now into the future.
Going into the future I suppose there can be stronger security measures to campaigns, but, when it comes to government invasion, such as happened in 2016, there is no equity to exposure by the candidates. If such election cyber attacks results in exposure of one candidate and that candid does not denounce the attack and uses that exposure to his or her benefit then a lawsuit to expose that candidates emails should proceed. Such invasion of campaign and candidate privacy needs to end and that won’t happen until it becomes a disadvantage to do so.
Trump during his campaign asked the Russian military to find 30,000 emails from the Clinton server that were considered personal in nature and erased by the Clinton attornies. The Russian military accommodated him. This was in addition to the Russian cyber invasion on Facebook and other social media like “My Space” to change the political dialogue within the USA.
On this blog are facts about election of 2016 issues including the Clinton server. Initially when Secretary Clinton fell under attack by the political right wing for the use of a private server in the home of a former President, the Clinton lawyers went to work to find any and all emails related to her service as Secretary of State. These emails were intermingled with personal emails regarding a variety of topics including Chelsea’s wedding.
The number of emails provided to the government by the Clinton household was substantial. I don’t recall the exact number, it is on the blog. When Hillary Clinton stated all but 30,000 emails that were personal in nature had been turned over there was a big fuss by the US political right wing the Clinton server was taken by the FBI. The FBI was able to extract some more emails, but, I don’t think they were of any consequence. Best to my knowledge they weren’t made public as the others were.
I remind those reading this that there were no real laws regarding servers and emails and where those emails where written. Those regs were written by President Obama in an Executive Order to provide protocols within his administration. About a year or so later Congress began their process to write regs for the federal government. “W” didn’t like computers or emails. President Obama was the first US President to drive into electronic communications on a regular basis and on a Blackberry no less.
Candidate Clinton took a horrible brow beating over her emails and Benghazi when she nor anyone within her staff or private lawyers or affiliations with DNC ever were charged with wrong. Donal Trump can never say the same thing.
President Trump during his news conference enthusiastically pointed to Putin’s offer to have Russians evaluate the evidence regarding the charges of his military hackers. That is not an issue as soon as all Russians charged appear before the USA court to make a pleading.