A relative (click here) of Palestinian Ahmed al-Rantisi, who was killed during a protest at the Israel-Gaza border, is consoled at a hospital in the northern Gaza Strip May 14, 2018.
Turkey is posturing for war. If Turkey begins an assault against Syria and ultimately (when the soldiers get there) Israel. Turkey will be joined by Russia. The Kurds will be the real target by Turkey.
Israel's aggressive stance is getting out of control. The current political leadership is making the same rhetorical language a standard for confrontation. There is no reason for the Israeli military to be at the border with Gaza. The protesters are unarmed and need recognition by the Knesset to bring about talks to end the discontent in Palestine.
I don't care if there are Hamas members among them; they know nothing else. There are at least two generations that have been born and grown up under Hamas leadership. And change is going to require diplomacy, humanitarian aid and real changes in Israel's occupation. Israel will seek to move borders into Gaza, if it hasn't happened already. I mean there is a reason Palestinians in Gaza are protesting. I am quite confident Netanyahu is attempting to reverse the Sharon measures with Gaza.
Haley's words are empty of proof. The USA isn't worthy of talks, unless, it can end the violence at the Gaza border by the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers. The USA has to prove it actually has a real and substantive relationship with Israel that brings about movement toward peace.
Hamas is not the only people at the border of Gaza and Israel. So, they get closer to the security fence. It is a sensitive area and the occupation by Israel has to end. So, they mention Hitler. The words of Haley are simplistic, rhetorical and prove no real measure to end the violence or occupation.
Israel exists because of the human rights demanded by the global community. Now, Israel needs to return land to the Palestinians and end all violence.
Hamas conveyed (click here) indirect messages to Israel on Monday night that it might change tack in the Gaza border protests Tuesday, but Israel isn't certain whether the group really aims to rein in the violent demonstrations which claimed the lives of 60 Palestinians by live Israeli gunfire Monday.
Funerals of Monday's casualties are expected to take place in Gaza on Tuesday, with the question remaining whether Hamas will call the masses to the fence as it did Monday, or keep the rallies as a spontaneous initiative of the people. Rallies are expected in the large West Bank cities, as well as a general strike....

The world, especially the region, do not consent to the relocation of the USA embassy. The USA should not give up it's old location. This is typical of the Trump administration; they do not negotiate. They work in a bubble they have created.
King Abdullah has been a long standing ally of the USA. It has done it's part with Iraq and with refugees. Jordan can be assessed at 'the breaking point' with it's support of refugees. Jordan has also experienced terrorist attacks. This country has been a leader in peace in the Middle East. Today, the King of Jordan is speaking out against a highly explosive move of the USA embassy. The Trump administration should take the King's statements serious and should have conferred with the King before this began. Election promises in the USA are meaningless in the Middle East. King Abdullah better not receive retribution for his statements.
I stated yesterday the change in alliance was occurring as I wrote my opinion. It is continuing. The USA is being abandoned under the Trump White House.
The USA Congress needs to censure President Trump. (click here)
May 15, 2018
Amman — His Majesty King Abdullah (click here) on Monday stressed that Jordan rejects and condemns the blatant acts of aggression and violence perpetrated by Israel against the brotherly Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.
The King emphasised that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would have serious repercussions on security and stability in the Middle East and will inflame the feelings of Muslims and Christians.
King Abdullah made the remarks during a phone call from French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, during which they discussed the latest developments in the Palestinian arena, particularly the Israeli escalation in Gaza, in addition to the repercussions of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, a Royal Court statement said....