April 16, 2018
...Hannity on Air: ‘Michael Never Represented Me’ (4:01 p.m.) (click here)
Sean Hannity, who was poised to do a radio show when his name emerged in the court, said on air that he had asked Cohen for his perspective on some legal questions involving attorney-client privilege, but never talked to Cohen about any case involving a third party.
“I never paid legal fees to Michael,” Hannity said. “Michael never represented me in any matter.” He later added: I “may have” handed Cohen “ten bucks” and asked for attorney-client privilege....
He is using his celebrity to mitigate his relationship with Mr. Michael Cohen. That is at least an ethics violation, but, more so tainting the public's knowledge of the Cohen case.
It seems odd to me so many of the same people are entangled in all these legal issues. It is almost like a star chamber, no pun intended.